Thursday, April 2, 2009


Well folks, I am sorry that I have not been blogging the past few days, but I was without connection to the world outside of Texas. It was a good trip for the most part, a little delay at the airport but no big deal because... I flew home in a plane instead of drove home in a car, saved a bunch of time. I just got home a few hours ago so I am going to be short tonight. I have a few good blogs to post soon that I experienced over the time away. I have one thing to share about Texas that I do not understand, so consider this opening the "can of worms" on Texas. I know a few people who claim Tx as their home, they always talk about how everything is bigger and better in Tx. I would like to say that is a load of poop. I was driving around this week and thought of all the states for people to lay down and die for and claim is the best ever... why pick this one. Pick any of the other 49 states and it would work out a little better for you.

1 comment:

  1. oh yes, he'll mess with texas.

    my texas experience. while on the way to lubbock (that's right lubbock) for a friend's wedding (seriously, lubbock, and we drove) i was driving down the highway in the midst of all of west texas' glory, which isn't much by the way. my friends were in the back and a delightful chatter box of a young lady was sitting next to me bantering away about God knows what. my attention was drawn to the majesty of barb wire, inoperable rusty oil rigs, scrawny cows chewing their cud and in general the overall feel of depression and nothingless. i find that to be the general mood in texas. as the chatterbox continued chattering i looked at her with a most confused look upon my face. her response? "oh gosh, am i talking too much?" well, actually, yes dear you were but that's not the source of my angst or confusion. Rather that wasn't the sources of my angst or confusion. First who the Hell owns all of that worthless shit, and second why the hell did they waste their money on it? Seriously! It's a frickin' dust bowl of nothingness and scrawny cows. Oh, there's more! Amarillo and Lubbock both smell like ass. And not that cute freshly cleaned baby ass, but that nasty post taco bell ass!

    Oh yes, I'll mess with Texas. Bring it Texas. I'll kick your ass and Oklahoma's too.
