Sunday, April 19, 2009

The final showdown

I could not resist to post about Maple and the vacuum again today. Sarah and I were cleaning today and I was vacuuming the house, Maple was not to pumped about it. I started in one corner and worked my way across the house. Maple would keep a keen eye on me and "the machine" as we worked our way through the house. As I would move forward, she would keep right in front of us. I would stop to move some chairs and she would lay down right in our path as if to say, "you shall not pass!!". When all was said and done I was in the last corner of the house, that backed up to the corner, Maple decided to stand her ground. It was pretty funny to watch her get in front of the vacuum and stand there like she was ready to go to battle and save the last part of the house from the evil machine. I could not resist to mess with her a little bit and keep the vacuum looming in the same spot for a while. She stood there, solemnly keeping her eyes fixed on the "oreck". I made a move slowly towards her and she back up a little more towards the night stand... soon after Maple decided that she had made her point and this was enough, she took off and let the vacuum win. Oreck 5 Maple 0

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