Monday, April 20, 2009

And it begins.

I know I am 26 going on 27. This is not the first rouge hair that I have found on my neck that has broke away from the pack. Then why such a big deal??? I will tell you why, lets talk about the position of this little bad boy... directly above the middle of the colar. This is the precursor to the over the shirt old man neck/chest invader hair, which comes over the shirt to say hello to all those who grace your presence. It was somewhat of a reminder, another wake up call that I need to be on my toes and aware of these little bastards because if I am not pro active before I know it, I will have the crazy flow over of chest/neck hair that is giving people the heeby geebies right and left and while I am worried about that... my beard will start to make a break for my neck hair to join those forces up and all the while the ear hair is saying hey hey hey looks like it's time for me to join the party, then the gray hair gets jealous and turns up its already to plenty order and baaam' I will be 28 and scaring little children as a past time. wheeeewww, one little rouge hair, you have been warned my friend, I suggest you do not come back, lets give it another five years or so, I have enough to deal with already, going grey at the age of 26 is a good enough start.

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