Monday, February 9, 2009

You will have to wait for the Goat

Welp, I was going to tell you all the story about the goat but I just fell asleep on the couch and am now really tired. So I have decided to give you another quote. I heard this today on a Podcast that I was listening to and thought it was pretty thought provoking. So even though when I say, "let me know your thoughts", most of you are scared to post, that is okay though. So here is the quote.

"Legalism offer a clarity that God does not neccesarly offer"

Chew on that one for a while...


  1. I'm sure you were excited when you saw a comment because you thought someone was going to talk about your quote, so I apologize for that. But, imagine me chanting this "GOAT GOAT GOAT GOAT GOAT GOAT GOAT"! At least the pictures, it was just so funny!

  2. I've thought about this for a while now Brad. And I don't know what I think. Clarity... maybe, but is clarity truth? That's what I am debating. I do believe legalism provides more clarity - in a secular sense, but my question is - is that "clarity" good?... I just talked in circles... but u feel me?

  3. Interesting quote although I think when you get down to it the Lord is rather clear, and following Him provides clarity that would otherwise not be evident in our lives. So much of the lack of clarity in our lives stems from the fact, in my opinion, that we fail to embrace God's purpose for both this world and our lives. Contrary to some believers thoughts, His purpose is not to make us into the image of Himself. Although important, that is an off shoot of His greater purpose. His purpose for us and this world is to bring honor and glory to Himself. Are we not created to worship and honor the Lord? If so doesn't it track that that would be our purpose then?

    When we lose clarity, or are frustrated/confused with the circumstances of our lives (I readily confess I find myself here often) it is likely b/c we have lost sight of the purpose that God has given us. To honor and glorify him. The circumstances that He allows, be they job wise or relationship wise, are allowed to be in our lives b/c they place us in the position to honor Him.

    I have other thoughts on this but I'll stop there. Suffice to say I think that too many Christ followers complicate the life that Christ has for us (again I confess guilt with respect to that charge). Keep your eyes turned to the purpose the Lord has wrought you for, honoring Him. Trust that He'll position you in circumstances, be they confusing or perfectly clear, that better allow you to do so.
