Sunday, February 8, 2009

We should heed the warnings of Dwight.

Bet you thought I was going to talk about the office. Nope. I would like to write tonight about one of the Great Presidents of our history, not just in my mind but consistently ranked such by people and historians, Dwight D. Eisenhower. I have a hidden passion that I will spill tonight, I really like to listen to old speeches or read them... whatever. I really like to see what the "greats" had to say and how it still applies to the world we live in now. I was listening to his farewell speech in 1961. Sixteen minutes is how long he spoke, but the amount of knowledge he shared is far more than that small amount of time. So without further adieu here we go...

"The prospect of domination of the nations scholars and scientists by federal employment, projects, allocations and the power of money is ever present and is gravely to be regarded, we should also be aware of the equal and opposite danger that public policy could itself become captive of a technological, scientific elite."

When I heard that, I paused my computer and listened to that again. I think we did not heed his warning and have now seen what can happen to a country when above happens. The freedom to think and create is wonderful, if you are creating what your bank roll wants you to. (I feel like that is the mentality we have found ourselves in) I mean lets be honest the quote above is pretty much an accurate depiction of America. Choke hold baby.

The next quote he is talking about how important "time" is to our country's future.

"Time, as we peer in to society's future, we , you, and I and our government must avoid the impulse to live only for today. Plundering for our own ease and connivance the precious resources of tomorrow. We cannot mortgage the material assets of our grandchildren without risking the loses of their political and spiritual heritage. We want democracy to survive for all generations to come, not to be the insolvent famine of tomorrow."

I am completely floored by the comment. If we learn from the past, we sure have not listened to this President. We live for today, plunder for ease... this is a complete picture of our culture. This is how America rolls. As our government and people continue along this line, we stand to weaken democracy and put our children s future on unstable ground. I could go on about this topic but I will stop. I urge you to read this second quote a few times and really look at what our country is up to these days and the "progress" we stand to gain.

P.S. I was going to write about a story of an encounter that I had with a goat today, but I will save that one for tomorrow.

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