Friday, February 6, 2009

Let it flow

I have left some topics alone in my blogging experience. I have for the most part stayed away from certain subjects as to not push any buttons of my readers, to remain pc if you will. But then I realized something today, this is my sounding board for all that is Brad. Adding limitations to what I have to say could be denying you all of what potent goodness that I can put into words. (occasionally) So with that said, I would like to talk about politics tonight. No PC here. I cannot resist talking about this Stimulus package that we having coming up sooner or later, I guess the temptation to have a few people like you from the current majority is reason to vote for a big waste of money. I mean do people in the Senate really let being called, "irresponsible" cut to their core enough to where they would vote for something that will plague my children one day and their kids to pay back. It would take me a long time to figure out how to use 100,000 dollars in a correct and efficient way. I am sorry, I know these are super smart educated ivy leaguers who's poop doesn't stink, but really. They are about to spend 1/10 of our current NATIONAL DEFICIT. It has taken a long time to get all this debt built up and we are about to pass something that is 1/10 of the whole. And what, after a few weeks of America's "finest" digging in to see where they can get money for their wants. All you have to do is look at some of the projects. Hey a few billion for a boat that will break ice in the north pole, okay some people will gain a job for the time frame that the boat needs to be made, then what... back to the unemployment line for you. I mean there are tons of things for random crap, that has nothing to do with job stimulation, just to do with the passions of some suits on capital hill. I am blown away by the ignorance that has penetrated our government. I am talking across the board here, lets be honest, there are not two parties anyways. Same guys different suits and different bankrolls filling there pockets. A part of me was hopeful after Obama's victory, I thought he is my president now and I am going to support him. (still do support my presdient, just wondering what the hell are you thinking) I was thinking about one of the debates this morning when Barack and John were battling about pork spending etc. and Obama said that we needed to take a scalpel to the spending we are having in government and to see where it is going and to be very detailed and cut out the crap. Now I am hearing, just pass the bill already, lets get this going, I am not to concerned for what the bill is laced with, just that we get it out there to help the "people". (In Obamas defense, I know the House added a bunch of crap to what he origianlly created) I think you better serve the people by being cautious about dropping this kind of dough so quickly. Lets be smart here not screw over generations to come by sticking a huge band-aid on something. Debt is one of the reasons we got into this mess, I guess Debt is going to get us out as well. I want to turn on the television one day and here the president say, "Hey America, stop your whining, I am not here to fix every ones problems, work hard, don't spend more than you make, and instead of waiting around on your butt for someone to give you something to fix your world, go do something about it, that is where this country came from". Grrrrrrr..... I am getting worked up as I write this, I am thinking about people who move credit card debt to another credit card to free up some cash. What happens next, they spend the new amount of credit they now have and sooner than later they are in a tight spot again. Have we become so intoxicated that our perception is lost by all the jargon we hear. I guess so, I beat George Washington, Lincoln, Jackson, Jefferson, would be pissed out of their minds right now if they were here to be a part of this. We have lost our vigor for what America was created to be. Rights are privileges, not gifts.


  1. Funny, I wrote my senator last night and told him my opinion. Afraid it was too late.

  2. strong work brad, strong work. the economy will be stimulated by people spending money, not by the government spending money. a way to do this is to cut govm't spending and return tax dollars to americans. i.e. look for programs that don't work and cut them. put money back in the hands of the engine of the american economy, small business. but to quote obama, "he won" so he can do what he wants and the rest of us will deal with it.

  3. I agree with you completely Patrick. I am going to post again today about what I read today that I thought would be interesting.
