Thursday, February 12, 2009

I'll take an extra value meal for the family please

I have been following the ol' stim package for the past few days and have another wonderful piece of information for everyone. Get ready for this, I am going to tell you what you piece of the pie is going to be... ready?... for the first year of the package, you get an extra 13 dollars a week and for the second year... you get a whole 8 extra dollars a week. That is the signature "Obama" tax cut for 95% of all Americans. Seriosly, take the fam out to Mc'Donalds a extra time a week on the government, and let that stress just fly away. Just think, you kids enjoy the chance to get another toy while not evening knowing they just added a couple hundred thousand dollars to their piece of the national debt. So innocent. Sad really. Did you notice that another person pulled back from the White House team, Ol' Gregg is heading for the hills and saying that he is sad that he even accepted the offer. Hmmmm funny how things work.

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