Saturday, February 28, 2009

My way or the Highway???

I was talking to some friends today and it occurred to me that conversation can do one of two things, make you closer or push you away. This lead me think about how people share their point of view with others. Most of the time people tend to air on the side of passionate persuasion of what they hold to be "right" or whatever that means. When some one is sharing their side of the story or idea or virtue it can easily be done in vain as far as the other party is concern especially if the person only has a mouth and lacks ears. I think when people tend to get worked up over something they believe and try to cram it down your throat it tends to turn people off. Whether this is politics, religion or the best way to do something, directions, raise kids, make a fire what ever. When some seeks to share first and listen maybe, I think they are speaking like a charlie brown adult. This includes when someone is talking to another who does not agree with them or hold the same values and gets all worked up and upset because they can not see their point of view and in turn will most of the time end up telling the other person in some way shape or form they are wrong without listening first, or listen and jump right in at the first chance to contradict what they are hearing. When we listen first and share second, ideas are shared and ideas are built. This is how people come together and learn. People will never listen if you don't care. I think this is something that I have been learning lately with myself and just by watching the world around me. Just turn on the television or watch people at work, go to the mall. Its everywhere, people who forgot how to listen.

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