Tuesday, June 23, 2009

The Target One Spot

Sarah and I were in Target the other day getting some Starbucks and reading. On the way out of the coffee shop, Sarah said she wanted to go look at the "one spot" for a second just to see if there were any good deals. I responded with come on, seriously, it's all crap and a waste of money. So, I lost the battle and so we went over to look at the cheap stuff. As we walked through the four small isles of one dollar items, I turned a corner and something caught my eye. I crouched down to get a closer look and YESSS it was as I had hoped.... Presidential flashcards. One flashcard for each president and some history and talking points for each one. I got pretty excited and immediately grabbed one up and decided to add the United States flashcards as well. (exposed dork, I know) As we walked out of the "one spot" with my flashcards and Sarah empty handed, she laughed at me. She did not even need to say anything, just a satisfied smile of victory as we walked away.


  1. That is one of the best parts of Target. I always find something I need for Jessie.

  2. Whoa mama springer, sounds like someone is playing favorites just a little. You've got two more grandbabies to spoil aswell.
