Saturday, June 27, 2009

Growing Older, but not Old yet.

I have been thinking today about getting older. Now with that said, I know I am only approaching 27 and to many this is a budding young age which knows very little of aging. But as I have gained some age year by year it continues to increase in sweet moments I might have missed previously. Simple moments, calm moments, genuine moments that scream with authentic flavor. I was home in Cary, NC for a brief stay on Thursday afternoon through Friday around noon to drop off some of our stuff in preparation for our move to North Carolina. (Yes, Orlando we are moving and yes we should talk) As I was standing the driveway I grew up playing in with my Dog, Maple, I took a moment to look around and enjoy my surroundings and all the stories that came flooding back to my mind... playing army dodge ball, the little hole in the driveway that I thought looked like the united states, playing army, jumping in leave piles, riding my bike around the house over and over, my brother carrying me into the house with a skint up knee, wrestling with my brother all over the place, falling out of my tree-house. (how I survived, not sure). These are just a few to name, they are memories that will never leave but are easy to breeze by. This time, I stood on the driveway and slowly enjoyed the moment of peace that being "home" provided, the safety and love that is the sanctuary of family. I later went to eat with my parents to eat some wings, and onion rings, fries, beer. (perfect meal) As I sat in the booth with Sarah, Mom and Dad, I had another moment. I was sitting here, sharing meal with my folks, drinking a beer with my Dad and could not imagine anything better. I talked with my Dad about politics, and such, updated my Mom on life and just enjoyed the sweet time. These are the moments I am striving to hold onto these days, simple interactions that carry more weight than anything I could think of. So I guess the moral of my ah ha moment is to take it in and enjoy authentic love, past and present.


  1. very well written brad. likely the best thing i've read that you've put together. i will say that is amazing that, as we age, we find so much more enjoyment in the simple things in life. i leave with you some words to live by and they are: "live simply. love generously."

  2. That was so sweet. I am going out to look at the United States in the driveway in the morning!
