Wednesday, May 6, 2009


Quick update, Sarah said that the bird was at it hitting the window over and over till about 10am. I wonder at what point a bird can induce brain damage upon itself. Last week while I was traveling, I got to fly on a handful of flights, I really enjoy flying for the most part. Planes are filled with some of the most interesting people ever, each flight in a new chance to meet another person and to learn a little bit from them. Sometimes I am taken back when I am on a plane, to think about how many different lives are on that plane and how many different paths are all sitting in one area. Each with its own purpose and desires, just completely fascinating. One interesting conversation I was apart of was with a guy who was sitting right across the isle from me. We started to talk about the books we were reading, he was reading, "A team of Rivals" and I was reading, "American Lion", both books about past presidents. We started sharing stories of Lincoln and Jackson, with each one being personal favorites, it was easy to carry on for a while. This led us to talk a good bit about history and the past political figures of early American history. The observation was made of how they were true statesmen back then, looking out for the true needs of the states and the union as a whole. The care and respect for the country was top priority. Then we contrasted that to the current political world we observe around us today. I would dare call many people in Congress, "Statesmen/women". They are more commonly considered "self serving statesmen/women" than anything else. What a shift we have seen over the history of our country, as the opportunity grows, so does corruption and self serving attitudes.

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