Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Did that guy yell, "Bob Saget?"

I went to Kings Dominion this past Saturday with a few of my friends for a buddy of mine, he is getting married this June. It was a small group of us, only five, but I would say that the impact we left the theme park with will whisper in the pungent theme park smells for years to come. I will have a few stories over the next few days, but I will begin with the one about "Bob Saget" from Full House. The idea was born as we were waiting in line, we noticed that the ride came right by all the people waiting to get on. We thought it would be funny to yell something really random as we zoomed by that would get people to turn their heads and think, "hmmmm did someone just say, Bob Saget?" Thus the experiment began. The first time was a success, as we flew by our opportunity, Bob Saget echoed through the air waves and pierced the ears of those innocently waiting to get their turn. This continued for the next few rides. It also grew. We started to noticed that rides went by areas where you were close to bystanders a lot and also that the times that you would be slowly climbing or yelling crazy things during loopty loops were great times to yell the randomness. On a few rides, you could hear people say, "Did those guys just yell Bob Saget?" On other rides, you would hear people start to laugh about it and some people would I guess think, "if you can't beat em join em" and join in the chorus of the yelling "Bob Saget." It was a wonderful thing. In the end we thought how funny it would be if people when home from that day and wen to tell their families about their trip that day and one of the things they shared was about these guys who would yell ol' Bobs name and wonder what that was all about. So next time you are at Kings Dominion and you hear the name "Bob Saget" being whispered in the wind as you walk by or by a kid who gets hit on the bumper cars, rest easy and smile..... AHHHHHHH BOB SAGET!!

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