Tuesday, May 26, 2009

The dreaded "Curse" word

I would like to go ahead and warn those who don't like to talk about curse words, look away. I was wondering today, who made curse words up. People get easily offended when others use them, but why. Some people just do not like them, others have been told their whole life they are the worst things ever, some people just fall in line. I would like to propose the idea we are taught to be offended. People just really enjoy being offended, think about it, if you are offended by something you can talk about it and be above the offensive. It is has historical support, look to biblical times where the priests were above all those that were around them for their great actions versus the actions of all the others. Pretty much anytime in history where someone was above someone else for whatever reason. Anyways, back to the cursing. Lets take the word, dare I say it, (sorry Mom) "Shit". I can say, "shit" in public and offend someone or been seen as saying a bad word, but I can say poo, poop, turd, crap, stinky, doo doo, mr. hanky, or anything along those lines and be fine. Anyone else see a problem with this line of thought. I will not go ahead with any other examples but I think you can get the point.

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