Tuesday, May 12, 2009

One more Kings Dominion Observation

I have another thing to share about our time at the theme park. Apparently when you are at a theme park, you do not have adhere to the common rules of society when it comes to proper attire. We saw to many people on Saturday that were wearing things and not wearing things that should be against the law. I would like to make a few rules of the theme park that I think people should be held to.

1. Do not wear a bikini. No arguing about it, especially if it does not fit, to0 small or too big
( we saw way too many ladies who thought they were at the beach or a swimwear contest)
2. No PDA!! If you would like to cuddle or get all kissy face with your boyfriend or girlfriend, then save some money and stay home. Seriously, is the most romantic place to make a move in a nasty roller coaster cart that hundreds of people have been getting in and out of all day while, a couple hundred people sit there in line behind those automatic gates watching you. NO, fellas seriously grow some common sense here.
3. Don't try the game with the glass table tops that you have to land a quater on, they have wax in them therefore making it pretty much impossible to win, anyways, you can buy dozens of cheap crap at walmart.
4. If you have a beautiful mullet, 80's sunglasses, mustache and gold chain, you should be required to stop and take pictures with people who want to get a picture with you.
5. You are in a line, shut up.
6. Ladies, you are going to a theme park, not prom.
7. Fellas, collared shirts, polo shorts and boat shoes are not needed. You are hot as crap and look stupid, it's Kings Dominion for crying out loud, you are going to sweat, stink, get dirty and stand next to strangers all day, go for the tee shirts and athletic shorts, maybe even the V neck it's okay to.

There you have it.

1 comment:

  1. i love people watching...especially instead of going on the tower of death...you trying to hold my hand was a bit awkward however...
