Sunday, March 29, 2009

Retail Warrior

I have been home in Cary, NC these past few days hanging out with my folks and friends. That is why the blogs have been rather short, because I have been on the move a ton. It has been a really good time to just be with the people that I am very close with. While I have been here I have been going to the thrift stores with the my folks a good bit and bought a few really good things. Today, I needed a piece of luggage to use when I travel to Texas in the next few days, so I bought a Samsonite bag, for 4 dollars. That is a rather large discount. I thought about the fact that someone paid a lot more for that bag at some point. I have reached a point in life where I am now unable to pay retail prices for anything but gas, and sometimes food. Especially after looking through the thrift stores these past few days, I am just amazed about what I have been able to buy. Also, add a REI "scratch and dent" sale in there and I am a deal warrior. I am on cloud nine of deals.

1 comment:

  1. Loved every second of having you both home. Now your friends know what we do for entertainment!!!!!
