Thursday, March 19, 2009

Coffee Talk

I think that I blogged about this before, but today it came to my mind again through conversation. This morning my friend David and I went to our usual Wednesday morning time and had the usual. I have bacon, egg, and cheese on wheat with the muffin of the day, and David have Jacks French Toast with sausage and fruit of which he never eats. So during our time this morning we talked about all kinds of things, from church history to how the public eye can manipulate many pieces of info or history to distort them to their liking. This is what lead into what I consider one of my favorite and interesting conversation pieces... Privileges versus Rights. Although these two ideas are different in meaning, I have come to believer that we as a culture and society are shifting the scale of how we look at each of them. I think that over time, what used to be a privilege has become to some a universal right. The part of this discussion that really keeps me interested is to look at the cultural shift over the last hundred years. As a culture, we have shifted and moved, grown tolerant and grown intolerant, hateful and all accepting. (and many more ideas could be mentioned here) Somewhere along this journey the view of rights has slide into the mainstream world on a much high level than I think the country intended. Now I understand that certain rights are part of how things should be, right to live etc. But when you begin to think about what a privilege can be the result of, the shaping of a very odd look can begin. For instance, I know this is very basic... but, you go get a job, you provide a service, then receive money for the service and now have the privilege to spend that money where you see fit. A few things here, "the job" is sought after, "the service" is learned over time, "the money" is a result of what you work for. I am going to stop because I am sure that you get the idea without me rambling on for another moment. If you have made it this far, where have you seen the shift.

1 comment:

  1. careful you sound like a republican and we all know how evil those people are...
