Saturday, January 17, 2009

Thy pen must be defended

Okay. I understand the initial reaction. Oh this is just a pen. But wait one second my friend, this is not ordinary pen, I know have a pen that should have cost me 200-300 dollars and writes like a dream, but I was able to get this pen with only 5 dollars for the refill. This is no small feat, now I am writing things with the ease of an expensive glide across any paper that dares to come between the pen and I. Shall I worry about stored up ink on the end on the tip of the pen when I go to write after she has been stored away for a while in my pocket... NO, she begins like a the perfection that "the magic" pen is. Whats that patrick, you are killing trees right and left because of a clumsy ink blot that your sub par pens are depositing on your papers which are turned into a mess, while even running the risk of destroying those papers that are anxiously waiting to be next up on a wonderful journey of word creation. I fart in your general direction sir. Life, pimples, webs, pens, these are life. While I am out there using paper very specifically and with such a focused intent, having no worries of the pen failing me, you are killing trees and wasting paper, when you pause for a moment between sentences to collect your thoughts, your pen is quickly collecting a pool of unused ink to parade onto your paper.

While I do admit that I wrote the previous blog from my iphone. The Springers are back online as of yesterday. (thank you windstream) These fingers are much more productive from my laptop keyboard. Let Scotland be free and throw Willy in there while you are at it. This blog was just for fun, let the day begin. I have to go wash my hands the sarcasm is dripping to much and making a mess.


  1. "too" much!!!!! Will you ever get it!!!!!!DS

  2. much much better. did you know the root word of sarcasm is "sarcos?" it means to tear the flesh. i'll now be leaving to go the hospital and have me shredded flesh restitched to my body. ha ha
