Saturday, January 24, 2009

Goals for 2009

I realize I missed yesterday. In light of that I am going to continue to push on through and keep chugging along. I had some allergies and had a benadryl* evening. I am out to the world.

On to the current post topic. Since 2009 has come upon us and 2008 is gone forever, I have been working on my goals for this year. I met some from last year and failed at others. I have been thinking about the new ones for a few weeks and began to construct my list today while I was at the gym on a stationary bike. Thank you iphone. I thought that I would share them with you, so I could put them in public so I can be held accountable. I am also curious about what your goals for the are as well. I know that some people do not like to make yearly goals, but I did for the first time in 08 and it was a really cool experience. I think you should try. So without further adieu, here you go.

-Build a toy chest for my neices and nephews
- Pay off a little debt (there is a specific number, but we can talk about that in person)
- Learn a Ben Folds song on the piano
-Read ten Books (i have picked them out)
- Run half marathon
-Run/Swin/Bike half ironman
- ask Sarah how her day was everyday
- lose 10 more pounds
- talk less, listen more (think before I speak outloud)
- don't talk 4 times a day when I really want to say something to joke, add to the conversation, say my opinion.
-Learn basic economics
-think about learning sign language (completed)

that is the basic list, I am going to add here and there but that is the start.

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