Wednesday, November 19, 2008

natural alarm clock

I love how your body can be a natural alarm clock. I fell asleep tonight without writing my blog. I have been asleep for hours as you can see. All of the sudden as I am lying here sleeping my eyes pop open and I like, I forgot my blog. It is funny how that works. Wide awake as I can be I sittinf here typing away on my phone. I bet when I am done, I will pass right out and go back to bed. Today I wore flip flops to work thinking I would be inside all day so it would not matter about the cold. Wrong. My feet about froze off on multiple occasions. Also I have a question for everyone, you know smacks the ceral. Has It always been smacks or honey smacks. If you would let me know that would be great. I am counting on your knowledge here Pat.

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