Monday, December 8, 2008

Poor Little Bunny

Sarah here. Brad is on the couch, feverish, wrapped up in a sleeping bag, in and out of consciousness and watching The Office. If you have ever seen the video on You-Tube titled, "The Man Cold," he is the epitome of that currently. I even rubbed his head and said, "poor little bunny." So what does that mean for me? It means I have been getting water, medicine, making dinner, rubbing his head, rubbing his back, getting his pillow, propping it up, baking cookies, getting more water, and finally, writing his blog- all the while saying, "poor little bunny." I think he is going to give me what we call in the Springer family the "crown for December," which basically means he thinks I'm awesome. But I must admit, I love the guy. It has actually been kind of a fun night. And, Brad is really funny when he is sick. So, unfortunately, you won't be hearing from him tonight- chalk it up to the man cold. But, to end the blog, if you have not seen it yet, I recommend you take a quick look at this video (which I believe Brad may have posted before), which will give you a glimpse into my life this evening:

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