Saturday, December 13, 2008

Mario Party

Tonight I was playing Mario Party with two friends of mine Anthony and David. At the end of each round you play these things called mini games that are little games that you play for coins to buy stuff with. The best part of the evening was during one mini game we were playing. The three of us are trying out hardest to win and beat each other. At the end of the game we all go to compare points and Dave, has a funny look on his face and said, how did I get zero points. As I am typing this, i have found that it is not as funny as it was when it happened. But I am going to stay true to the story and power through. Another funny story today, I woke up this morning around 610. I took a shower and then was brushing my teeth in the bathroom and walked out into the bedroom to see Sarah's head pop up in the most cheery voice and say "Good Morning" and then her head fell one foot back onto the pillow back to sleep. Sarah is not a morning person, so it was pretty funny because she usually has the crazy tired voice in the morning. It made me laugh, I do not know if she even knows that she did that. She talks in her sleep.

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