Saturday, December 13, 2008

Blast from the Past

I was sitting today in our office looking out the window at the mountains and thinking about the past few years. I wrote all little bit about it, I used the story form to let my thoughts hit the paper. I began to write and thought I would share what I began reflecting on today.

It was still dark outside, the crisp air stung while I took a deep breath surveying the packed car and the city I was getting ready to leave. There were no cars on the highway yet, just me and some tractor trailers. I could smell the fresh cup of coffee from the cup holder as it resembled a chimney exhausting the smoke from warmth below. I tend to travel with the radio off except for the occasional talk radio, I enjoy time with my thoughts. To consider and reflect, plan and critique, each situation different than the one preceding it. I have always be aware that I was wired different than most. “Why change jobs? Why take a pay cut and move a thousand miles away?”. My decision made no sense in line of thought with our culture and went against everything understood to be rational. Some moments secretly, I wondered if I agreed. But I knew my passions and my heart. I knew it was right and would allow me many opportunities that could not be replaced with a dollar sign or ability to live a certain lifestyle.

Right there I trailed off into just sitting back and looking out the window, but I figured I would give you what I had.

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