Tuesday, December 2, 2008


I was listening to a podcast today when it mentioned a comment that stuck out with me and I have not been able to get it out of my head for a while. I will try to remember it best I can, but this is a paraphrase. It said that we will grow faster and farther with grace than fear will ever take us. I had to sit there for a moment when I heard that for the first time. It then hit me that we are generally a world/society that is run on fear. Fear has been a great motivator for people since... well as long as I can remember. More specifically when I began to think of all the times in my life when fear was a factor behind and decision that I made. Then I started to think of the grace side of things. When I have reacted or been reacted to with grace, the world looks a little bit different. I usually walk away with a greater understanding of what just happened or a renewed since of faith in whatever situation or person I am dealing with. Think about the last time someone reacted to you with grace... think about the last time that you were motivated by fear. Contrast them , think about how they differ mentally. It will really give you something to chew on, it has pushed me to think about the motivators that I choose to rely on.

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