Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Yellow Jackets ate my foot

So, there I was getting excited to play wiffle ball against the Summer Staff ( College Volunteers at camp). I really like wiffle ball, not as much as kickball but I really enjoy a good ol' game. I was waiting for things to start and standing like a little kid with your feet rocked to the side. This however left a little bit of room between the bottom of my foot and the sandals I was wearing. Just enough room for say... three yellow jackets to fly into the little cave I had created. Well about the time that I realized that something didn't belong was in my sandal, the first one stung me and as I reached down to grab my foot the other two went in for the kill. Well I reached in with my fingers and grabbed the little bastard and pulled his abdomen away from his head. That el' show em. At this point my foot was throbbing in pain and I didn't get to play wiffle ball. I still had about 6 hours left to work, so I hobbled around for a while as my foot swelled to fill in where I had loosened the sandal. After a while of heart beat in my foot, I decided it was time to take Benadryl (sp*). The bad part about that is... it knocks me out and pretty much makes me loopy and very very slooowwww. I took it with two hours left on the clock. With about thirty minutes to go, I was fighting to stay awake but my foot felt better. I only by the grace of God made it home to fall into my bed and asleep to over sleep the next morning and not hear my alarm. (thankfully my boss is very nice and understands yellow jackets stings and they suck)

1 comment:

  1. you should have sliced it open and had your wife suck the poison out of the bottom of your foot. i hear that's what wives are for
