Monday, November 16, 2009

It's good to be back in the saddle.

I am currently sitting at the kitchen table on the computer, obvisouly, making a few pit stops around the online world. (facebook, news, email, ebay, craigslist, yahoo fantasy sports) I thought today would be a great day to kick the blog back up and get things rolling again. Funny or serious for the first blog in a while...

First story, Halloween. Sarah and I were really excited about getting into our new house a few days before Halloween so we could have trick or treaters for the first time in our married life together. Sarah was off to the store to grab some candy for the night, we already had a bowl full of Reese cups and figured we would be okay but thought some extra would be better. A little background. Earlier in the day I was out in the yard and a kid a few houses down was playing and we started to talk about all the fun coming up that evening... candy etc. Trying and wanting to be the "cool" new people on the block, I told him to make sure to stop by our house and I would hook him up with good candy. Fast forward to about 630pm. A ring at the door and guess who, the kid I talked to earlier that day. I opened the door to find a kid wearing the same thing he had been wearing earlier, soccer shorts and a soccer tee shirt, standing there with a grocery bag. Against my better judgement, I decided to forgo the need for a costume and let him get some candy. Then the key mistake was made, as the words left my mouth I knew I had made a bad choice of sentence structure. "Go ahead and grab you a big handful", I said. (like a dumbfounded deer caught in the headlights of a car about to plow over them) Before I knew it, I looked down to what was now a desert of a bowl, a place where Reeses used to run wild in their natural surroundings... now a desolate place of the surviving few, cold from the lose of warmth their recently stolen brethren had provided. In less words, he took all of my candy but four... I learned a lesson this Halloween. Never tell someone who considers candy to be a fair currency to "go ahead and grab you a big handful"... NEVER.


  1. So you get tired of posting after a year or so?

  2. there is another one...a hungry man is an angry man :)

  3. that is fantastic:) came across you just by chance and love your journal. Very witty and I can so relate:) I believe in the costume rule too but couldnt really say no to a cute kid. A rude little kid yes but not a cute one.
